Fletcher started the Pamidronate at 6 this morning. So far everything is going well, he seems to be tolerating it nicely. The Pamidronate will run for 12 hours today. Please being praying for him. I'm mostly concerned about his pain level. I know TCC will do everything possible to keep him comfortable. But the thought of him hurting is very hard for me, especially since we have chosen this for him. I will be with him all day so I will not post again until after the treatment is over. I am putting some pictures up that Maddie took of him the other day.
He's not real happy to be stopping his walk so his sister can take pictures of him!
"Keep moving, mom!"
Praying for Fletcher today and throughout this entire treatment.
Well, then, I am praying in agreement with Susie and all of your prayer people for comfort and ease and patience for Fletcher during this treatment - I'm sure his temper will be tested!!! He'll want to do his numbers or go for a walk instead of what he has to do today. We prayed you and Craig to this decision, so rest in it, but Fletcher may be mouthy in his dismay over his day. Remember 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and beyond. Lots of comfortors in Christ around you - I pray you are immersed in knowledge of His daily presence with you through the body of Christ. Wish I lived nearby! Janet Lalli and family
He's such a strong boy. I know it's hard for you to know that he might be in pain, but hold strong because I think you are making the right choice. I remember back when you posted that you all were considering these treatments. In my mind I hoped that you would choose them, but didn't want to stick my two cents worth in there. From what you have posted this sounds like the best thing. Prayers said. Keep us posted.
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