Friday, August 31, 2007

I was right...

When I arrived at TCC today I was greeted with this announcement: Fletcher has C.Diff! UGH! Are you kidding me? C.Diff is a bacterial infection in the intestines and this is the third time he's had it! I knew something was wrong with Fletcher's tummy! So, today they stopped the IV Vanco and now he's on Flagyl. He's also kind of in isolation, they are gowning and gloving to change poopy diapers! That stuff is toxic! He was calm and quiet when I was with him this morning, this afternoon when Maddie and I got there he was happy until he got tired! He gets kind of cranky when he's tired these days! We were going to bring Fletcher home Monday since it's Labor Day, but I think we'll wait and let him recuperate. Here's a couple of pictures the top one was yesterday, Fletcher is playing with Maddie's new play cell phone and the one on bottom was today when Maddie and I were visiting Fletcher. I took this picture because I thought his little hand looked so sweet on Maddie's arm. AWWW!


Kristin Nicole said...

awww... that is such a cute picture with his hand on her arm! you are right!!! and I like his my mommy loves me t-shirt.:)

Mayhem And Miracles said...

I'm sorry to hear Fletcher is feeling so yucky! I think Mommy's almost always know what going on with their kids before the doctors. It's frustrating having to wait of "official" tests to confirm the "Duh's!" I hope he's back to feeling better soon. He looks so sweet in the photos. If he's been cranky, it doesn't show in those.