Sunday, February 25, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday Craig and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary! What a journey we've been on. I am so thankful for my sweet husband and the gift the Lord has given me. Not only did I become Craig's wife on the day we were married I also became Kayleigh's mom. The two things I always wanted to be a wife and mother! Thank you, Craig. Our life continues to be filled with love and joy amiss all the trials we've been through. We also continue to draw close to each other and to the Lord, He's so good to us. In six years we've had two children, purchased our first home and been through medical school! haha Just kidding but I do think we could pass as doctors! Sometimes I think, "no way has it been six years!" But on the other hand I think, "it's ONLY been six years?" I totally don't mean that in a bad way either.

Yesterday I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers. We went to dinner and some of our best friends joined us. It was so great to get to share our special day with such wonderful friends!

Happy Anniversary, Craig! Thanks for being a great husband!

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Burns

February 24, 2001

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