This morning Fletcher started the first of three days of Pamidronate. I called to check on him at about 8:00 and he was kind of having a tough time. Not bad, but tough. The nurse gave him some motrin and he was on his way to sleepy town, so hopefully he'll rest this morning and feel much better. Would you all be praying for him for the next several days? They say that the Pamidronate is painful but nothing a little tylenol and motrin can't help. But still we don't want our boy to suffer, right?! :) I'd appreciate any and all prayers! You all are the best! What would I do without my prayer warriors? Leaving you with a video from last week. Man, I love this kid! :)
He is so cute! Yes, I will continuuuue to pray for him (i do almost all of the time), but specifically for pain control. And I'll pray for you, that you get some rest while he's resting! Love you! Janet Lalli
I just love his little chubby hands. Prayers said!
I am friends with Michelle Taylor and I have been following your blog since Fletcher was born. I love reading your blogs and finding out about Fletcher and your family. I feel like I know you even if we have never met. You are an amazing person and mom! I pray for you and Fletcher and the rest of your family daily. Thank you for letting me into your family. Mary
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