Six or eight months ago we were approached by our nurse practitioner about bringing Fletcher home to live with us for good. So, the process to bring Fletcher was started. We set a date for October 5, 2012. Well as you know that date has passed. Right before we were set to bring Fletcher home, our insurance decided that they would not pay for nursing care in our home for Fletcher. So, we had to file an appeal with the insurance company. Well, we found out today that the we won the appeal and they will be paying for nursing!!! So, tomorrow we meet with social services to work out the details of home health and all the equipment we'll need. We are over the top excited and can't wait to bring Fletcher home. We'd appreciate your prayers as we make this huge transition. It's going to be hard but it will be worth it. Please pray for the nurses who will be coming into our home to care for Fletcher that will be competent and will treat him with respect and dignity. I know as soon as we have a good routine going it will get easier. Thank you so much for your love and support!